Lawyers riga, companies in Maskavas forštate

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Kraukle un Partneri ZAB, LTD

Blaumaņa 36 - 4, Rīga, LV-1011
Sworn advocate, sworn advocate, lawyer, lawyers , lawyers in Riga , lawyers ' services in Riga , lawyers , Lawyers in the center of Riga , Lawyers in Cesis, Lawyers Ventspils, Lawyers Liepaja, Lawyers Daugavpils
  • 1 Attorneys at law

Sworn attorney - Ekaterina Barere

Emīlijas Benjamiņas 10 - 34, Rīga, LV-1050
Criminal cases, Lawyer, Lawyers , Lawyers ' bureau, Criminal cases, administrative cases, ( penalties)

FinServices, LTD

Strūgu 2A, Rīga, LV-1003
Accountant, financial consultations, audit, accountancy, legal services, accountancy services, accounting outsourcing, Outsourcing, SRS reports, VAT reports, EDS reports, Representation in public authorities, VAT recovery, company formation documents, company registration, Material value inventory, overpaid Tax Returns and

KLK, barristers' bureau

Firsa Sadovņikova 39 - 307, Rīga, LV-1003
Lawyer, lawyers , sworn advocate, legal assistance, advocacy, representation in court, legal documents, cnforcement of criminal penalties, complaints, applications, requirements, submissions, lawyer services in Riga, LTD

Riepnieku 4, Rīga, LV-1050
Construction companies, companies in Riga , In Latvia., services, sells, to buy, formalize, intermediary, intermediaries, intermediation services, notary, lawyers

JurTec, LTD

Valērijas Seiles 9 - 46,, Rīga, LV-1019
Legal services, legal advice bureau, lawyers , legal advisers, legal consultations, legal assistance,, House Manager, debt for utilities Land Registry, Police, Council, The Supreme Court, Riga District Court