Laboratory, companies in Rīga

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Consilium Medicum, LTD

Rūpniecības 7-1, Rīga LV-1010
Medical clinic, clinic in Riga, clinic, medical practice, medical institution, pediatrics, medical center, health center, medical institution, medical clinic, therapeutic outpatient services, health centers in Riga, doctors, coloproctologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, immunologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist,
  • 1 Medical aid: out-patient

Headline, private clinic, LU MF study center

Kalnciema 98 - 16, Rīga, LV-1046
Inpatient and outpatient medical care. Ear, neck and nose diseases. Otolaryngologist, children otolaryngologist. Pain in the ear, poor hearing, audiometry, timpanostomy, sulfur cork in ear, noise in the ear, ear lavage, tympanitis, treatment, ear surgery, hearing implants. Earball incision, paracentesis. Timpanoplastic. Nosebleed, nose
  • 2 Medical aid: out-patient

Latvijas Amerikas acu centrs, LTD, Eye clinic

Augusta Deglava 12A, Rīga, LV-1009
American eye clinic, American Eye Center. Eye Clinic in Riga. Latvian, American Eye Center, clinic, eye doctor, eye surgeries, vision correction with glasses, intraocular colamer lens implantation, laser therapy, vision and eye health diagnostics, optics, glasses, contact lenses, laser, eyes, ophthalmologist, laser surgery, glaucoma,
  • 3 Medical aid: out-patient

Auramed, LTD, Health center( 0100-00189)

Dzirciema 84A -, Rīga, LV-1055

Health center "Auramed" offers state-paid services at qualified family doctors O.Maļinovska, S.Sazonova, T.Geletko. Paid services are also available at the neurologist I. Golubeva. Specialists will advise you in urology, a urologist's consultation with transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate is available( TRUSI) . The physiotherapist, assessing your functional condition, will perform massage, therapeutic exercises, taping. Available laboratory tests, eye tonometry, ECG, venous and muscular injections, vaccinations. We work with insurance policies. Patients with functional disorders( also in a wheelchair) reception takes place in a separate reception room on the 1st floor by appointment( no dedicated toilet available) .

Helga-Med, LTD, Medical center

Alfrēda Kalniņa 8 - 2, Rīga, LV-1050
Services:: ✓ Medical and aesthetic sealing of teeth ✓ Drawing up a treatment plan ✓ Teeth canal treatment( endodontics) ✓ Restoration of dental crowns ✓ Consulting, diagnosis ✓ All kinds of dental prosthetics ✓ X-ray cabinet ✓ Dental prosthesis laboratory ✓ Oral hygiene ✓ Tartar and plaque removal ✓ Soft and hard plaque removal with ultrasound and soda blast ✓ Teeth polishing, gel applications ✓ family doctor consultations

Ava-Clinic, leading gynecology and reproductive clinic

Baznīcas 20/22 -, Rīga, LV-1010
The company offers: ✓ Infertility tests. ✓ Artificial insemination. ✓ Genetic material freezing. ✓ Gynaecology. ✓ Pregnancy care. ✓ Pediatrics. ✓ Becoming a donor. ✓ State - paid medical insemination procedures. Description:

"AVA clinic" - EUGIN clinic network, the leading infertility treatment clinic in the Baltics and Northern Europe, specializing in infertility treatment and embryonic genetics, as well as offering a comprehensive range of services in gynecology and obstetrics. The experience of AVA CLINIC proves that good infertility treatment results are ensured not only by the latest equipment, applied methods and high qualification of specialists. The decisive factor is the attentive doctor's attitude towards each couple. The collective mission of the team - to give new life - unites all the specialists of the clinic. The mission of the clinic - to give new life!

Daizes, Neimanes, Sizovas ārstu prakse, LTD D.N.S.

Strādājam pēc pieraksta
Pulkveža Brieža 4/6, Rīga, LV-1010
Specialists:: ✓ Dr. Med. Ieva Daize ✓ Dr. Med. Ligita Neumane ✓ Dr. Med. Anita Sizova ✓ Dr. Med. Gunars Serjants Our services:: ✓ Consultations and examinations of gynecologists ✓ Pregnant women care ✓ State-paid prenatal care ✓ Consultations of a nutrition specialist ✓ USG for pregnant women paid for by the state ✓ Ultrasonography - gynecological, pregnant ✓ Laboratory tests ✓ Taping - pregnant and gynecological ✓ Nutrition expert advice ✓ Hyaluronic acid filler injections

Ārsta Viktora Vestermaņa privātprakse, Individual merchant

Krišjāņa Barona 93, Rīga, LV-1001
We specialize:: ✓ in vertebrology ✓ orthopedics ✓ in the treatment of bone and joint diseases ✓ in the treatment of back pain ✓ in spinal surgery ✓ in algology, we diagnose the cause of pain, offer treatment and various aids that help prevent joint and back pain.

Vijas Dangas ārsta prakse dermatoveneroloģijā, LTD

Lāčplēša 38 - 301, Rīga, LV-1011

Doctor of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, diagnosis and treatment of STDs, examination, consultations. Certified dermovenorologist, with long experience in the specialty, provides a wide range of STATE-paid services for children and adults. She is an experienced specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor also performs skin biopsies in difficult cases.

iVF Riga Ģenētikas centrs

Zaļā 1 -, Rīga, LV-1010
Our services:: ✓ Doctor-geneticist consultations( professional assistance to patients with genetic diseases and reproductive disorders is provided by geneticists Dr. Liene Korneeva, Dr. Ieva Grīnfelde) ; ✓ Oncologist - chemotherapist consultations; ✓ In - depth genetic testing( . sk. infertile couples) : Preimplantation genetic testing of embryos at the chromosomal and gene level( PGT-A / PGS and PGT-M / PGD) ; ✓ Determination of the karyotype; ✓ Molecular genetic testing - Molecular testing of thrombophilia, determination of non-invasive fetal Rhesus factor in pregnant women, testing of fragile X chromosome, testing of Y chromosome( AZF factor), HLA-typing, KIR-typing, genetic examination of aborted pregnancy material, testing of inherited tumors, testing of inherited recessive diseases; ✓ Genetic tests for complex female / male infertility; ✓ Preparation of newborn genetic passport; ✓ Lifestyle genetic tests Viva Genomics.

iVF Riga, infertility treatment and reproductive genetics clinic

Zaļā 1 -, Rīga, LV-1010
Services:: ✓ Infertility diagnosis and treatment ✓ Fertility preservation - KRIO ✓ Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility ✓ Genetic testing ✓ Laboratory / Manipulations ✓ Donor programs ✓ men's health ✓ Outpatient center ✓ Stem cell center ✓ Anti-aging medicine ✓ Gynaecology ✓ Operations ✓ Services for pregnant women

iVF Riga Cilmes šūnu centrs

Zaļā, Rīga, LV-1010
Services:: ✓ Cord blood ✓ Umbilical cord tissue ✓ Adipose tissue ✓ Storage ✓ Doctor-geneticist consultations About us:

In Latvia in 2016. the first national stem cell bank was opened - iVF Riga Stem Cell Center. The stem cell center received a special permit for the use of cells and tissues № AC-7 from the state institution - the State Agency of Medicines. Now the residents of Latvia also have the wonderful opportunity to get biological insurance, first of all, for a newborn child, as well as for the whole family. A contract for the storage of umbilical cord stem cells can be concluded at the stem cell center iVF Riga. Storing stem cells in Latvia provides an additional guarantee, as the risks associated with transportation are eliminated.

Loradent, LTD

Kalnciema 98 - 16, Rīga, LV-1046
Medical aid: out-patient

Surdovest, LTD, Riga branch

Ieriķu 20, Rīga, LV-1084
Services: ✓ Treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nose, ears and throat; ✓ Diagnostics of the functional state of the hearing and vestibular apparatus; ✓ Hearing aids; ✓ Treatment without surgery - conservative treatment; ✓ Acupuncture or acupuncture

Reproduktīvās medicīnas Centrs Embryos , LTD

Tālivalža 2A, Rīga LV-1006
Services: ✓ Endometrial restoration therapy ✓ Fetal echocardiography ✓ Diagnosing female infertility ✓ Diagnosis of male infertility ✓ Procedures paid for by the state ✓ IUI( intrauterine insemination) ✓ IVF procedure ✓ ICSI( intracellular sperm injection into the egg) ✓ Sperm freezing ✓ Embryo transfer ✓ Embryo freezing ✓ Nutritionist service ✓ NIPT test NIPTIFY ✓ PGT-A test ✓ THE INNOVATIVE ER-COMPLETE TEST

Sanitas Mitenbergas pediatra privātprakse

Pededzes 10, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Specializations: ✓ regular preventive examinations, diagnosis of diseases, strengthening of immunity from birth to 18 years of age; ✓ counseling for parents before the birth of a child; ✓ assistance in acute illness issues; ✓ Vaccination paid within the framework of the state program; ✓ health checks and preparation of documents; ✓ for preschool educational institution, schools, information for various services; ✓ cases of chronic and long-term illnesses are solved by child health in cooperation with specialists from other fields. ✓ Pediatrician in Mārupe. Home visits.

E.Gulbja laboratorija, LTD

Brīvības gatve 366, Rīga, LV-1006

The laboratory is the largest clinical laboratory in Latvia, which performs biochemical, microbiological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, cytological, immunological, biophysical, cytogenetic pathological examinations of materials obtained from humans or animals, with the aim of ensuring disease diagnostics or health assessment. Laboratory specialists provide advisory services in all aspects of laboratory tests, as well as help clients choose the most appropriate tests, if necessary.

Mājas aprūpe, LTD

Ernestīnes 24 - 2, Rīga, LV-1083
Ltd “Majas Aprupe” is a social enterprise, which provides:: ✓ during the consultations, we assess the client's situation and the necessary support ✓ we provide care and help with housework, taking care of the client's well-being ✓ if necessary, we provide technical aids that facilitate movement ✓ we adapt the home environment for people with disabilities ✓ we provide transport services for people in wheelchairs

Cilmes šūnu banka, LTD

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 33A - 1A, Rīga, LV-1010
Description: SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” is the first accredited stem cell bank in Latvia with the longest experience. The company has been operating in Latvia since 2004. on 24. february, works 24/7 mode. SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” is registered in the register of medical institutions and has received a tissue and cell use permit issued by the State Agency of Medicines. These documents confirm that SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” has been assessed and complies with the requirements of regulatory enactments and is entitled to perform such activities: donation, procurement, laboratory testing of cord blood and tissues for private use with a view to further processing by Polski Bank Komorek Macierzystych SA. ( PBKM) . PBKM ir SIA "Cilmes šūnu banka" "mātes" a company that brings together umbilical cord biological material banks and whose international brand is FamiCord.

Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija, LTD

Ilūkstes 45, Rīga, LV-1073
The laboratory provides the following services::: ✓ we provide professional and high-quality histological examination of tissues; ✓ providing examinations based on experience, skills and knowledge, especially in urology, gastroenterology, gynecology and dermatology; ✓ we perform diagnostics of autoimmune bullous dermatoses using the immunohistochemistry method( IgG, IgM, IgA and C3 antibodies) ; ✓ we review, consult and provide a second opinion on preparations; ✓ we perform differential diagnosis of tumors using the immunohistochemistry method; ✓ we detect H.pylori in the mucous membrane of the stomach using histochemistry and immunohistochemistry; ✓ we consult samples and perform additional tests in recognized foreign laboratories; ✓ we provide consultations on various histology issues; ✓ participate in research work.