Laboratory, companies in Rīga
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic, LTD Anivet
R & D akustika, LTD, Acoustics and sound measurements
LTD "R & D Akustika" founded in 1993., the acoustics laboratory was established in 2004., accredited according to LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025 requirements. The laboratory has modern equipment and computer programs necessary for forecasting. This allows LTD "R & D Akustika" perform a full cycle of forecasting, testing and evaluation of acoustic parameters yourself, in the development or reconstruction of new acoustic projects. We evaluate the wishes and possibilities of customers, we provide the most optimal solutions for acoustic problems. We perform noise, sound insulation, room acoustics measurements, building acoustics expertise.
Torņkalna veterinārā klīnika un aptieka, LTD Veosa
"Torņkalna Veterinārā klīnika un aptieka" Vienības gatve 66, Riga, Torniakaln since 2002. offers excellent animal treatment and care and other veterinary services. Our Veterinary Clinic in Pārdaugava offers general preventive, therapeutic and planned surgical assistance for pets.
Our dedicated and caring team of veterinarians has a wide range of veterinary experience and expertise. We will welcome you and your pet in our family.
Ģeoserviss, JSC
LatAcrylam, LTD, Artificial stone surfaces
AMI'S, LTD, Veterinary clinic
We will carry out a general animal health check, vaccinations, we will advise on feeding issues, and if necessary, we will provide emergency assistance. Our clinic also has a day hospital.
Basic specialization of the clinic:: ✓ Care of ferrets; ✓ Dermatology; ✓ Dentistry; ✓ Surgery.Hīrons, LTD, Purvciema veterinary clinic
The quality of our work is proven by 29 years of experience in the small animal veterinary services market. LTD "Hīrons" employs experienced certified veterinarians, veterinary processors and veterinary assistants. The total number of employees in the company is currently 12 people. When new specialists join the team, they have been trained and supervised for a long time before starting independent work with clients' animals. This ensures that each specialist in our clinic is trained to perform the set of procedures required for treatment, make decisions and work independently. The operating principles of the clinic state that even when veterinarians are not at work, they receive information about their patient and participate in decision-making in cases when the patient's health condition is serious.
Pireka, LTD, optics sale, Levenhuk Baltic, LTD
University of Latvia P. Stradins Medical College
University of Latvia P. Stradiņa Medical College offers to learn in-demand professions in the health care and social welfare sector accredited 1. level in professional higher education study programs: "Ārstniecība" ( qualification - "Ārsta palīgs" ), "Estētiskā kosmetoloģija" ( "Skaistumkopšanas speciālists kosmetoloģijā" ; studio full-time face-to-face in a day or evening group), "Ārstnieciskā masāža" ( "Masieris" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Biomedicīnas laborants" ( "Biomedicīnas laborants" ), "Radiologa asistents" ( "Radiologa asistents" ), "Podoloģija" ( "Podologs" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Sociālā aprūpe" ( "Sociālais aprūpētājs" ), "Sociālā rehabilitācija" ( "Sociālais rehabilitētājs" ) . Studies at the college are realized both with the funds of the state budget and with the personal financing of the students.
Purni, LTD, BK Systems, LTD
Scales and weighing systems for professionals. For those who research, manufacture, process, transport and trade. For all professionals who need to know exactly how many milligrams or tens of tons are on the weighing platform. We are ready to design and manufacture unique weight measuring devices, just for you, as well as sell popular and widely demanded models of scales from our store warehouse. Maybe what you need can be found in one of the scales production catalogs of cooperation partners - we will bring the necessary scales or components of scales according to your order in the shortest possible time.
Contact us today to learn more about our CBD oil products!
Equipment and tests for laboratories, histology and veterinary clinics. Disinfection and equipment for gastroenterology clinics. Equipment for processing stem cells.
MINT Textile Management, acceptance point
Intest, LTD, Servo valves for industry in the Baltics
SIA INTEST in the Baltic States represents the interests of the company MOOG GmbH, which produces servo-hydraulic and servo-electric systems used for precise control of force, speed, power, acceleration or position. We supply a wide range of MOOG GmbH servo valves, proportional valves and servo hydraulic systems. MOOG servovalves.
SIA INTEST supplies a wide range of hydraulic equipment to the markets of the Baltic countries. The range of supplied products includes hydraulic stations, servo valves, proportional valves, hydraulic distributors, filters, cylinders, pumps, hydraulic motors, etc., manufactured by Eaton-Vickers, Parker-Denison, Danfoss,, Bosch-Rexroth, Hydac and other companies.
Intergeo Baltic, LTD
Geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations. Environmental research and consulting - soil, groundwater pollution research. Topography and geodesy. Drilling works, Static and Dynamic sounding, CPT, DPSH, pore pressure measurement, Soil laboratory studies, Conducting sightings, Static slab testing. Preparation of career research and documentation. Decontamination ( restoration) and reclamation. Hydrotechnical and reclamation construction.
Stoma, LTD, Dentistry
LTD "STOMA" a wide range of dental services available. Prosthetics, manufacturing of prostheses, oral hygiene, laboratory of dental prostheses, dental surgery, dental hygiene, dental prostheses, teeth repair, prosthetist, dentists, prosthetics in Jelgava. Accessibility of the environment for people with special needs.