Treatment, companies in Rīga

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Car Point, LTD

Viskaļu 20, Rīga, LV-1026
Car anti-corrosion treatment . Car treatment with anti-corrosive products. Car diagnostics in Riga.

Mātes un bērna veselības aprūpes centrs, LTD

Aleksandra Čaka 91-3, Rīga LV-1011
Our employees::

Pediatrician dr. Guna Deksne Child care nurse Līga Kalniete Ophthalmologist dr. Marija Krūmiņa Masseur Meldra Lūse Hip ultrasonography specialist Dr. Arta Bārzdiņa

About our center:

The goal of our small medical center is a healthy child. We have been operating for more than 18 years. We care for children from birth to 18 years of age, sometimes longer. We pay a lot of attention to the prevention and education of the child in order to prevent various illnesses or injuries that could be avoided in the future. We also do not deny our advice from personal experience when we raised our children and grandchildren. We try to approach each child individually, because each little person is a personality. We choose the appropriate treatment, examination, prevention, vaccination calendar for each child. We have gotten to know each child's quirks and quirks, health strengths and weaknesses. Our doctor Guna Deksne is a certified pediatrician. He regularly attends various pediatric conferences, including the International Children's Infectology Conference( ESPID) abroad. The experience accumulated over the years is very useful in choosing individual prevention and treatment for each child.

Dialīzes centrs, LTD, Day hospital

Raiskuma 1, Rīga LV-1006

Outpatient, nephrological profile day hospitals are established in Riga and Jelgava, which provide planned renal replacement therapy for chronic kidney patients using hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration. Certified nephrologists also provide counseling and treatment in cases of kidney disease or suspected kidney disease in both adults and children.

Onninen EXPRESS Dārzciems

Dārzciema 39, Rīga LV-1082
Products and services:

LTD "Onninen" represented industries: *Ventilation, heating, air conditioning, plumbing materials and equipment *External networks, sewage materials and solutions *Solar energy solutions *Industrial goods, stainless steel engineering networks and labor protection materials *Power supply materials, industrial and street lighting

LTD "Onninen" servicesWe offer our customers a full cycle: *consultations on projects, goods and engineering solutions in construction projects; *Onninen Express retail store network; *sale of goods and various technical solutions; *instrument rental; *logistics services; *after-sales service; *guarantees.

Onninen EXPRESS Pārdaugava

Raudas 12B, Rīga, LV-1002
materials, power supply, electromagnetic valves, electronic components, Esbe, filters, air curtains, air treatment , brass couplings, brass valves, measurement equipment, stainless steel fittings, draft, waste water treatment

Onninen, LTD, Central warehouse

Rītausmas 11C, Rīga, LV-1058
Heat supply, ventilation, plumbing, water supply, power supply, telecommunication, communication equipment, pipes, pumps, aluminium profiles, septics, valves, cooling equipment, insulation, poles, foundations, heaters, data transmission systems, communication facilities, fittings, heating boilers, automatics, cables, conditioners,

LTD Andas Kariņas ģimenes ārsta prakse

Klostera 9/11 - 1, Rīga, LV-1050

Family doctor's practice in Riga. Health diagnostics, treatment, vaccination, consultations, issuance of medical certificates, etc.

ZL.LV iesaka

True Smile, LTD

Ziedu 5 - 1,, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Apraksts: Jauna, mūsdienīga zobārstniecības klīnika. Klīnika ir aprīkota ar modernākajām zobārstniecības iekārtām, rentgeniem, materiāliem. Klīnikā strādājošie speciālisti konsultēs Jūs un nepieciešamības gadījumā sniegs pakalpojumus mutes dobuma higiēnā un profilaksē, ārstēšanā, estētiskajā restaurācijā, endodontijā, protezēšanā un implantoloģijā. Veselības un panākumu simbols ir mirdzošs un vesels smaids!

SV Centr, LTD, dentistry in Ziepniekalna

Valdeķu 55-82, Rīga LV-1058

"SV Centr" stomatoloģija – tā ir mūsdienīga stomatoloģiskā klīnika, kura strauji attīstās. Šeit Jūs varat saņemt kvalificētu palīdzību vairākās stomatoloģijas nozarēs. Lieliskas iekārtas, unikālas stomatoloģijas tehnoloģijas, kvalificēti speciālisti un patīkama atmosfēra ir mums ļāvusi iekarot mūsu klientu atzinību un mīlestību.


Keramserviss, LTD

Podnieku 21, Ādaži, Ādažu nov. LV-2164
Offer:: ✓ Ceramic raw materials ✓ Heat - resistant and refractory materials ✓ Heating elements and control systems ✓ Production and heat treatment About us:

"KERAMSERVISS" is an industry service company with experience. We are one of the leading companies in the Baltics, which operates in the field of heat treatment, heat engineering and fire safety. We offer materials and the latest technical solutions in cooperation with leading thermal industry manufacturers. Our pottery and equipment store offers materials for potters, potters, art schools and groups.

ZL.LV iesaka

University of Latvia Riga 1. medical college

Tomsona 37, Rīga, LV-1013

University of Latvia Riga 1. the medical college provides the short-cycle professional higher education, professional secondary education and vocational education demanded in the healthcare labor market.

Education programs: midwife, physician's assistant, pharmacist's assistant, dental technician, dental assistant, nurse's aide, caregiver.

Professional development education programs: outpatient service physician assistant activities, nurses( general care nurses) specialization in psychiatry and narcology. He studies in the center of Riga and lives in a cozy service hotel.

Duration of studies 1 to 3 years. Studies for FREE. Opportunity to get a scholarship. 100% secured jobs. Cooperation with more than 200 practice bases. The study environment is closer to real working conditions: modern simulators, manipulation models, NMP car model and pharmacy model. Instructors - industry professionals and practitioners. Erasmus + mobility. The college offers continuing education.

ZL.LV iesaka

Ekostandarts tehnoloģijas, LTD

Izstāžu 11 - 204 kabinets, Valdlauči, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-1076
Services: ✓ Cleaning equipment service, maintenance ✓ Designing, development of engineering projects ✓ Reconstruction of purification facilities ✓ Production wastewater ✓ Sewerage, sewerage construction, connection ✓ Decreasing of ground waters ✓ Seminars, consultations
ZL.LV iesaka


Grebenščikova 1 - 335, Rīga, LV-1003
Description: Medical equipment rental. For rent, we offer equipment that can be used for the treatment and rehabilitation of home conditions, functional beds with the right of redemption. As world experience shows, treatment time at home is much more efficient and effective than time spent in hospitals or medical institutions.

Dental clinic, LTD Denta-Z

Bruņinieku 28-27,, Rīga LV-1011

Dental clinic "Denta-Z", offers dental services in the center of Riga. We offer dental prosthetics, treatment, restoration, whitening.

ZL.LV iesaka

Mikelsones L. and Sproģa J. medical practice in surgery

Firsa Sadovņikova 20, Rīga, LV-1003

Liānas Miķelsones un Jura Sproģa ārstu prakse - konsultācijas ķirurģiskajās slimībās, ambulatorā stacionārā ķirurģija, vēnu un trūču operācijas, plaukstas ķirurģija, ortopēdidskās operācijas. Ķirurģiskajās operācijās mūsu prioritāte ir vēnu operācijas. Operējam Rīgā, gadā veicot virs 200 operācijām. Izmantojam "Franču saldēšanas metodi". Šī metode vēl ir pazīstama ar nosaukumu - krioterapija. Pēc šis metodes mēs strādājam no 1996. gada. Nodarbojamies ar akūtu un hronisku ķirurģisku slimību ārstēšanu. Ambulatorās operācijas tiek veiktas uzreiz pieņemšanas laikā.

Homeopātijas un akupunktūras centrs, LTD, homeopath Anna Kalķe

Lāčplēša 38-404, Rīga LV-1011

In case of disorders of the autonomic nervous system. In case of diseases of the digestive system. In cases of cardiovascular disease. Diseases of bones, muscles, joints. Accepts infants, children and teenagers. Treats Post COVID19 syndrome.

ZL.LV iesaka

Dr. Martas zobārstniecība, LTD

Iecavas 4, Baldone, Ķekavas nov., LV-2125
Apraksts: Bezmaksas zobārstniecība bērniem līdz 18 gadiem. Pieņemšana pēc iepriekšēja pieraksta. Praksē tiek nodrošināta vides pieejamība personām ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem.
ZL.LV iesaka

Dent DI, LTD

Zirņu 8 - 60, Rīga, LV-1013

Company "Dent Di" was established in 2003. year and successfully operates in the Latvian market, gradually expanding and improving. When the clinic was founded, the task was set to organize the work in such a way that the patient could solve problems of various complexity in one place - from sealing one surface to screwing in the implant and complete restoration of the bite. The team has coped with this task and in the clinic "Dent Di" provides the widest range of modern dentistry services.

Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic, LTD Anivet

Jukuma Vācieša 1C, Rīga, LV-1021
Services:: ✓ issuing of certificates ✓ vaccination ✓ different procedures ✓ administration of medicine ✓ wound care ✓ surgery operations ✓ peripheral gland cleansing ✓ other procedures ✓ analyzes, diagnostics ✓ euthanasia ✓ hospital ✓ home visits, etc.

Juglas ezers, veterinary clinic, LTD Anivet

Juglas 51, Rīga, LV-1064
Animal treatment , diagnostics, therapy, vaccination, ultrasonography, morgue services, euthanasia, home, , exotic animal treatment , guinea pigs, ferrets, guinea pig treatment , ferret treatment , rat treatment